Friday, December 25, 2015

Astrocyte research may lead to development of novel and improved treatments of autism/neurodevelopmental disorders

Astrocytes are star shaped glial cells in CNS (central nervous system) of mammalian brain which are derived from neural stem cells during early embryogenesis and express the marker Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein GFAP. These astrocytes play an important role in pathogenesis of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders such as Rett syndrome and FXS (Fragile X  Syndrome) that result from synaptic defects. Astrocytes can modulate synaptogenesis (by releasing molecular signals such as thrombospondin/TSP that specifically increases number of excitatory synapses) during their developmental maturation in CNS and play an active role in synaptic physiology in the human brain [1]. In adult CNS astrocytes serve a number of regional functions such as axon guidance, control blood brain barrier and blood flow, synaptic support (regulation of synapse function and synaptic remodeling), maintaining brain homeostasis, regulating neuronal signaling, neuronal migration, protecting neurons from oxidative damage and determining the fate of endogenous neural precursors. Astrocytes also remove excess glutamate from extracellular space and supply glutamine to maintain glutamatergic neurotransmission.  Glutamate transporter dysregulation results in pathogenesis of FXS and other neurodevelopmental disorders. [2]

As astrocytes play essential roles in synaptic mechanisms astrocyte dysfunction contributes to behavioral disorders. Recent research found microglial activation, high level of GFAP (around 3 folds than normal) and neuroinflammation in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) which results in gliosis, reactive injury and disturbed neuronal migration during early gestation [3].

Another neurodevelopmental disorder Rett syndrome is characterized by mutation in MECP2 (methyl CpG binding protein 2), or loss of MECP2 gene which plays an important role (can modulate the expression of thousands of genes) in brain cells and astrocytes to provide physical and functional support for neurons [4]. Rett and ASD have some similar symptoms including learning and memory problem, repetitive behavior and lack of social interaction though Rett affects mainly girls and ADS affects boys.  

Fragile X syndrome, the most commonly inherited form of mental impairment is caused by glial cell dysfunction and transcriptional silencing of FMRP (Fragile X mentally retarded protein) gene by hypermethylation and CGG nucleotide repetition in FMR1 gene that turns off the gene.

Recent astrocyte research and development indicates their roles in motor neuron diseases and emphasize the potential of astrocytes/astroglia as therapeutic targets and agents in cell replacement therapy. A provocative study at University of Rochester Medical Center in 2013 found evidence that astrocyte provides restorative benefits of sleep by expending energy to drive water transport channels whose pumping action convects cerebrospinal fluid around neurons. They also found that knocking out the transport channels from astrocytes slows the clearance of neurotoxic molecules such as beta amyloid peptides deposited in Alzheimers disease by 65%. In large brain found in autistic and other psychiatric/neurodevelopmental patients the decreased efficiency of passive diffusion makes astrocyte driven active transport of toxic molecules crucial to survival.

Recently Laurie Doering a professor at Mcmaster University in Canada established a link by co-culturing healthy hippocampal neurons (that are responsible for learning and memory) and astrocytes. According to his research, in co-culture healthy hippocampal neurons exhibited delayed dendritic branching (a process of neural network building) and restricted the development of excitatory synapses. His research (for which he received a passion in science award by New England Biolabs) is actively working to identify new astrocyte based factors for the treatment of neuronal dysfunction using molecular, cellular and behavioral approaches. The interaction between astrocyte and secreted molecules from them and neurons leads to study how astrocyte dependent factors and signaling molecules can modulate the structure and physiology of FXS/ASD neurons [5]. A detailed understanding of how astrocytes regulate neural circuit development and their function in brain may lead to discovery of novel therapeutic treatment of ADS/FXS and other neurodevelopmental disorders.